Where can we find Application ID and Application Secret?
You can locate the Application ID and Application Secret within
the application settings of your merchant account.
What is the API Base URL?
The API Base URL is the primary endpoint for accessing our API
services. You can obtain this URL from our support team.
Where can I find the SDK Source URL?
You can obtain the SDK Source URL by reaching out to our support
How can I launch the SDK with the reference ID?
You can launch the SDK with the reference ID by calling our
backend API to generate the reference ID and then initiating the
SDK with this ID.
Is there a PHP Library available for integration?
No, at present, we do not offer a PHP library for integration.
Is there an NPM package available for the SDK?
No, currently, we do not provide an NPM package for the SDK.
Is there a way to skip the OTP during integration testing on
Yes, you have the flexibility to skip OTP verification for both
stage and live environments by disabling the OTP verification
option in the application settings.
What is the purpose of the 'payzln.umd.js' file?
'payzln.umd.js' is a JavaScript file designed for integrating
the CPGModal into your application, enabling the initiation of
deposit and withdrawal transactions. When integrated, it opens
an iframe within your web application, facilitating seamless
payment processing.
Can I use dummy bank account details for integration testing on
the stage environment?
Yes, you can utilize dummy account details for integration
testing on the stage environment, allowing you to simulate
transactions without providing actual bank accounts.
Additionally, you have the capability to manually approve or
reject these transactions from the merchant portal for testing
What kind of signature errors might occur during integration?
Signature errors can occur due to various reasons, including:
Incorrect Parameter Sorting: If the parameters in your API
requests are not sorted correctly, it can result in signature
Encoding Mismatch: The encoded string must match our encoding
format (UTF-8). Any mismatch can lead to signature
verification issues.
Expired Timestamp: If the timestamp in your request expires
before processing, it can trigger signature errors. Ensure
that the timestamp is current and within the acceptable time
frame i.e 5 min.
How can I address a 'Forbidden' error in API requests?
A 'Forbidden' error typically occurs due to a signature
mismatch. To resolve this, you can verify the signature by
generating a signature using the same request body with our
signature generator. Ensure that the generated signature matches
the one sent in the request headers to rectify the 'Forbidden'
Do I need to request access from specific IPs for API access?
In the stage environment, there is no need for IP whitelisting.
However, for the live environment, it is mandatory to whitelist
specific IPs to ensure secure API access.
Regarding the mobile number in API requests, should I include
the country code?
No, you should provide the ten-digit mobile number without the
country code in all API requests. Please note that currently, we
only support Indian mobile numbers for OTP purposes.
What are the types of callbacks available?
There are two types of callbacks available: one for deposit
transactions and the other for withdrawal transactions.
What happens if a transaction times out?
If a user doesn't take any action after initiating the
transaction, the transaction will be automatically cancelled
upon the completion of the timeout period. This timeout period
can be configured from the merchant portal for your convenience.
What data is included in a status callback?
For complete information on the data included in a status
callback, please refer to our callback section for detailed
Can you provide a list of dummy phone numbers for testing
Here is a list of dummy phone numbers for testing purposes,
including '9999999999' and '9999988888,' with a default OTP of
What is the maximum UTR length supported?
The maximum UTR (Unique Transaction Reference) length can vary
based on the transfer type, ranging from 12 to 22 alphanumeric